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Funding & Investment

Export Marketing Initiative

Are you in business and seeking to develop overseas markets?

Our Export Marketing Initiative Fund can assist you.

The fund can part-fund the cost of Travel & Subsistence, Trade Fair Attendance/Exhibiting, and the creation of marketing material specifically for overseas markets.

Funding Terms

  • Grant covers 50% of eligible costs (subject to a maximum of
        €2,000 per company in any one calendar year).
  • Application must be made prior to any expenditure being incurred.
  • Payment will be made to approved projects on receipt of proof
        of payment of all qualifying and approved expenses.

    ** Export Mkt Funding for 2005 is now fully subscribed **

    For further information, please contact (01) 494 8400.

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    Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Enterprise Board is funded by the Irish Government and the EU Structural Funds under the National Development Plan 2000-2006.
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